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3nd Global Development Conference

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 (Rest day of O-ringen)

Uppsala, Sweden

In cooperation and supported by


The Regional and Youth Development Commission of the International Orienteering Federation (RYDC IOF) is pleased to invite you to the 3nd Global Development Conference.


Aim of the conference:to provide a platform for networking of people working with recreational orienteering, regional and youth orienteering development and for best practice exchange

For whom: For anyone interested in regional and youth orienteering development; participation of young people interested in orienteering development is especially encouraged

Or are you interested to present a poster about your developmental or youth activities or projects to conference participants and participants of the IOF General Assembly?

If yes, you are welcome to register your workshop/seminar or poster title and short abstract (max. 200 words).

Deadline for registration is Sunday 20th May. You will be informed whether your workshop/seminar or poster has been accepted latest on Wednesday 20th June.



Each participant arranges himself/herself. It will be difficult, because of O-ringen.

Conference webpage:

Contact to organisers:


RYDC Conference

Interest in topic

7 + 11 =